Peach Cobbler


Peach Cobbler 


When the summer months generously gift the markets with fresh, juicy, full of flavor peaches, it is always a perfect time to make a delicious Peach Cobbler.  My husband is known for throwing this dish together in no time at all.  The cobbler is then placed in the oven where the magic of this delicious dessert is perfectly done.  What a glorious moment when the cobbler is finally pulled out of the oven as the aroma permeates the kitchen.  For a finishing touch a round scoop of ice-cream is placed on each serving as the symphony of flavors explode with every bite.  Let's get started!



  • 900 grams or 5 peaches
  • Juice of half a small lemon
  • 170 grams or 1.5 sticks butter cubed
  • 215 grams or 1.5 cups flour
  • 300 grams or 1.5 cups sugar
  • A pinch of salt
  • Ice-cream for serving 


  1. Preheat Outdoor Gas Pizza Oven to 350°F - 176°C.
  2. Cube the butter and initially coat it with flour using your fingertips.  Next rub the butter into the flour by using your fingertips as shown in the video.  Lift both hands up high as you do this.  Gently tap the bowl onto the work surface to get the larger lumps of butter to come to the surface.  
  3. Nest mix the salt and sugar in with the buttered flour.  Place in the refrigerator while preparing the peaches.    
  4. Slice the peaches and place them in the pan with the juice of half lemon.  The addition of citrus will keep the peaches from turning brown and will enhance the flavor even more.  
  5. Cover the peaches with the butter crumble.  Shake the pan so some of the crumble works itself down with the peaches.  
  6. Place the pan in the preheated oven for 35-45 minutes or until the crumble is a nice golden brown and the peaches are bubbling.  
  7. Remove the cobbler from the oven and serve with a nice scoop of vanilla ice-cream.  Enjoy! 

Buon Appetito!

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