Leftover Pasta? Simply bake it in the Wood-fired Oven

Fun day in the test kitchen today. Today we decided to put some great leftovers to good use.
Growing up I remember that mom never wasted anything in the kitchen. She always managed to feed not only our family of seven, but was always ready to add another chair and a plate at her kitchen table for anyone who might walk in at meal time.
Money was often tight, but by example she naturally taught us the simple art of preparing a satisfying meal by using what was available in the kitchen, including leftovers!
What a privilege to have learned from her the secret of gathering around the kitchen table and enjoying even the simplest of meals. At 80 years of age she continues to marvel those who spend time with her.
Here is an image taken just a few years ago when mom came to visit from Italy. She and the kids got busy cooking during a photo shoot in the prep area of the Fontana test-kitchen. What an awesome memory. So good to reminisce, but now back to the test kitchen.
We were in the process of working through a photo shoot where the star chosen was SAUSAGE grilled perfectly inside the Marianara wood-fired oven.
Not a gas or a charkoal grill, but roasted directly in the firechamber of the wood-fired oven, these delicious sausages were placed over hot coals safely laid on top of a very sturdy stainless grill.
Did I forget to say that the great perk of having the Fontana test kitchen in our backyard, is that we not only get to test the ovens, but best of all we get to eat the food we cook.
On this day of the photo shoot our son brought over leftover pasta he cooked for friends the night before.
Lunch time was approaching, and since the oven was hot and the sausage was soon to be placed over hot coals, we decided to take advantage of the warm oven and placed the leftover penne in a cast iron skillet in order to add them to our lunch.
Grilled sausage, baked pasta, a few slices of focaccia, a mixed salad, and the meal was complete.
- Fresh Mozzarella
- leftoover Penne pasta mixed in a tomato sauce called POMAROLA
Prep Work:
Simply enough time to place the pasta in the cast iron skillet.
Preheat the cast-iron skillet in the hot oven
Drizzle olive oil in the bottom of the cast-iron skillet and place the leftover pasta in the pan.
Place the skillet in the oven with the lid covering the pasta.
After ten minutes place slices of fresh mozzarella on top of the pasta.
It is now time to place the uncovered skillet back into the oven.
Allow the mozzarella to melt and your fabulous leftovers are ready to be served.
The sausage is perfectly grilled with delicious and wonderful caramalization.
To make the meal complete you can add schiacciata into the oven.
Simple, quick and delicious.
Who says that eating with family and friends must be complicated?
What is your favorite way to put leftovers to good use?